Terry Conners Rink

1125 Cove Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06902 - 203.977.4728


Terry Conners Website www.tcrink.com
Main Phone 203- 977- 4728
Fax Number 203- 977- 4184
Rink Manager, Ken Smith 203- 977- 4515
Ken Smith Email KSmith@stamfordct.gov
Lisa Surmaczewicz Email LSurmaczewicz@stamfordct.gov
Rink Email terryconners@stamfordct.gov
Skating School, Val Legutko VLegutko@stamfordct.gov
Learn to Skate USA Program www.learntoskateusa.com
Stamford Youth Hockey www.syha.org
SYHA Register Email jdufek@syha.org
Kevin Murray, Director of Parks   kmurray@stamfordct.gov 
City of Stamford Website stamfordct.gov 

Terry Conners Rink is owned and operated by the City of Stamford, Connecticut and is run under the Operations Department